28 Mars 2025

Séminaire AXE 1 – Sciences et Matériaux Quantiquesprésenté par : Alexina Ollier

Titre : Probing antiferromagnetic spin-ordering of topological Hall material

Speaker: Alexina Ollier, Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS), Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Seoul, South Korea

Here, we report on imaging the spin texture of triple-Q magnetic order of Co1/3TaS2. The sample
was measured with a low temperature STM (T=6K) under ultra-high vacuum with normal
and spin-polarized tips. The STM images with the normal tip show the triangular lattice of the
sample. The spin-polarized (SP) tip shows an additional symmetry related to the triple-Q
ordering. In addition to that, the SP STM images revealed different spin textures with respect
to the tip-spin orientation. The analysis suggests the presence of a phase difference between the
tip and the triple-Q ordering of the sample. This work gives a new insight into the exploration of
chiral magnetic ordering with topological Hall effect using scanning probe microscopy.

28 Mars 2025, 14h0015h00
Auditorium de l'IPCMS

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