Publis DCMI 2017

A. Amokrane, S. Klyatskaya, M. Boero, M. Ruben, J.-P. Bucher, Role of pi-Radicals in the Spin Connectivity of Clusters and Networks of Tb Double-Decker Single Molecule Magnets, ACS Nano 11 (2017) 10750–10760.
P. Bellanger, M. Traore, B.S. Sunil, A. Ulyashin, C. Leuvrey, C. Maurice, S. Roques, A. Slaoui, Polycrystalline silicon films obtained by crystallization of amorphous silicon on aluminium based substrates for photovoltaic applications, Thin Solid Films 636 (2017) 150–157.
P. Bellanger, S.B. Shivarudraiah, C. Leuvrey, A. Dinia, G. Schmerber, F. Jomard, A.G. Ulyashin, T. Fix, S. Roques, F. Mugler, A. Slaoui, Crystalline silicon growth on aluminum substrate for photovoltaic application, in: Krc, J and Gordon, I and Slaoui, A and Niki, S and Conibeer, G and Ribierre, JC and Moreels, I and Climente, JI and Andre, P and Reece, P and Hildebrandt, S (Ed.), Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2017: p. 1700173.
H. Ben Khlifa, R. M’nassri, W. Cheikhrouhou-Koubaa, G. Schmerber, C. Leuvrey, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, A. Dinia, A. Cheikhrouhou, Structural characterization and magnetic field dependence of the magnetocaloric properties in Pr0.8Na0.05K0.15MnO3 ceramic, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 439 (2017) 148–155.
V. de Z. Bermudez, F. Leroux, P. Rabu, A. Taubert, Hybrid nanomaterials: from the laboratory to the market, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 8 (2017) 861–862.
C. Bordeianu, A. Parat, C. Affolter-Zbaraszczuk, R.N. Muller, S. Boutry, S. Bégin-Colin, F. Meyer, S.L. De, D. Felder-Flesch, How a grafting anchor tailors the cellular uptake and in vivo fate of dendronized iron oxide nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 5 (2017) 5152–5164.
A.K. Boudalis, G. Rogez, B. Heinrich, R.G. Raptis, P. Turek, Towards ionic liquids with tailored magnetic properties: bmim(+) salts of ferro- and antiferromagnetic Cu-3(II) triangles, Dalton Transactions 46 (2017) 12263–12273.
S. Bouheroum, A. Cherouan, A. Beghidja, S. Dahaoui, P. Rabu, A new copper(II) coordination polymer containing chains of interconnected paddle-wheel antiferromagnetic clusters, Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry 73 (2017) 1050–1055.
A. Bouzid, H. Zaoui, P.L. Palla, G. Ori, M. Boero, C. Massobrio, F. Clerib, E. Lampin, Thermal conductivity of glassy GeTe4 by first-principles molecular dynamics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 9729–9732.
A. Bouzid, G. Ori, M. Boero, E. Lampin, C. Massobrio, Atomic-scale structure of the glassy Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change material: A quantitative assessment via first-principles molecular dynamics, Physical Review B 96 (2017) 224204.
F.Z. Bouzit, A. Nemamcha, H. Moumeni, J.L. Rehspringer, Morphology and Rietveld analysis of nanostructured Co-Ni electrodeposited thin films obtained at different current densities, Surface & Coatings Technology 315 (2017) 172–180.
A. Carradò, F. Perrin-Schmitt, Q.V. Le, M. Giraudel, C. Fischer, G. Koenig, L. Jacomine, L. Behr, A. Chalom, L. Fiette, A. Morlet, G. Pourroy, Nanoporous hydroxyapatite/sodium titanate bilayer on titanium implants for improved osteointegration, Dental Materials 33 (2017) 321–332.
G.-L. Chai, M. Boero, Z. Hou, K. Terakura, W. Cheng, Indirect Four-Electron Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Carbon Materials Catalysts in Acidic Solutions, ACS Catalysis 7 (2017) 7908–7916.
Z. Chaker, G. Ori, M. Boero, C. Massobrio, The role of 2D/3D spin-polarization interactions in hybrid copper hydroxide acetate: new insights from first-principles molecular dynamics, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 8 (2017) 857–860.
G. De Luca, M.D. Rossell, J. Schaab, N. Viart, M. Fiebig, M. Trassin, Domain Wall Architecture in Tetragonal Ferroelectric Thin Films, Advanced Materials 29 (2017) 1605145.
M. Dolai, H.A. Molla, G. Rogez, M. Ali, Two [Mn-3(mu(3)-O)(7+) based Single Chain Magnets with different solvent ligation, Polyhedron 127 (2017) 248–256.
A. El Fakir, M. Sekkati, G. Schmerber, A. Belayachi, Z. Edfouf, M. Regragui, F.C. El Moursli, Z. Sekkat, A. Dinia, A. Slaoui, M. Abd-Lefdil, Influence of Rare Earth (Nd and Tb) Co-Doping on ZnO Thin Films Properties, in: Krc, J and Gordon, I and Slaoui, A and Niki, S and Conibeer, G and Ribierre, JC and Moreels, I and Climente, JI and Andre, P and Reece, P and Hildebrandt, S (Ed.), Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2017: p. 1700169.
E.M. El Jald, I. Soumahoro, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, Z. Sekkat, M. Regragui, A. Belayachi, M. Abd-Lefdil, Effect of fe doping on structural, optical and electrical properties of zno thin films, in: Essaaidi, M and Zaz, Y (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF 2017 INTERNATIONAL RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CONFERENCE (IRSEC’ 17), IEEE, 2017: pp. 796–798.
D. Elgrabli, W. Dachraoui, H. de Marmier, C. Menard-Moyon, D. Begin, S. Bégin-Colin, A. Bianco, D. Alloyeau, F. Gazeau, Intracellular degradation of functionalized carbon nanotube/iron oxide hybrids is modulated by iron via Nrf2 pathway, Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 40997.
Q. Evrard, Z. Chaker, M. Roger, C.M. Sevrain, E. Delahaye, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, C. Leuvrey, J.-M. Rueff, P. Rabu, C. Massobrio, M. Boero, A. Pautrat, P.-A. Jaffrès, G. Ori, G. Rogez, Layered Simple Hydroxides Functionalized by Fluorene-Phosphonic Acids: Synthesis, Interface Theoretical Insights, and Magnetoelectric Effect, Advanced Functional Materials 27 (2017) 1703576.
P. Farger, C. Leuvrey, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, Elaboration of Luminescent and Magnetic Hybrid Networks Based on Lanthanide Ions and Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Salts: Influence of the Synthesis Conditions, Magnetochemistry 3 (2017) 1.
D. Gentili, G. Ori, L. Ortolani, V. Morandi, M. Cavallini, Cooperative and Reversible Anisotropic Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles by Modulation of Noncovalent Interparticle Interactions, ChemNanoMat 3 (2017) 874–878.
O. Gerber, B.P. Pichon, D. Ihiawakrim, I. Florea, S. Moldovan, O. Ersen, D. Begin, J.-M. Greneche, S. Lemonnier, E. Barraud, S. Bégin-Colin, Synthesis engineering of iron oxide raspberry-shaped nanostructures, Nanoscale 9 (2017) 305–313.
M. Gstalter, G. Chabrol, A. Bahouka, L. Serreau, J.-L. Heitz, G. Taupier, K.D. Dorkenoo, J.-L. Rehspringer, S. Lecler, Stress-induced birefringence control in femtosecond laser glass welding, Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 123 (2017) 714.
P. Guardia, S. Nitti, M.E. Materia, G. Pugliese, N. Yaacoub, J.-M. Greneche, C. Lefèvre, L. Manna, T. Pellegrino, Gold-iron oxide dimers for magnetic hyperthermia: the key role of chloride ions in the synthesis to boost the heating efficiency, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 5 (2017) 4587–4594.
D.E. Hamza, H. Lahmar, A. Azizi, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, Properties of electropolymerised polyaniline thin films obtained from different supporting electrolytes, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 95 (2017) 282–288.
F. Imoto, J.-I. Iwata, M. Boero, A. Oshiyama, Microscopic Mechanisms of Initial Formation Process of Graphene on SiC(0001) Surfaces: Selective Si Desorption from Step Edges, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 5041–5049.
H. Kabbour, G.H. Gauthier, F. Tessier, M. Huve, T. Pussacq, P. Roussel, M.A. Hayward, Z.L. Moreno B, M. Marinova, M. Colmont, S. Colis, O. Mentre, Topochemical Reduction of YMnO3 into a Composite Structure, Inorganic Chemistry 56 (2017) 8547–8553.
B. Khalfallah, F. Chaabouni, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, M. Abaab, Investigation of physico-chemical properties of conductive Ga-doped ZnO thin films deposited on glass and silicon wafers by RF magnetron sputtering, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28 (2017) 75–85.
K. Koizumi, K. Nobusada, M. Boero, Simple but Efficient Method for Inhibiting Sintering and Aggregation of Catalytic Pt Nanoclusters on Metal-Oxide Supports, Chemistry-a European Journal 23 (2017) 1531–1538.
K. Koizumi, M. Hatakeyama, M. Boero, K. Nobusada, H. Hori, T. Misonou, S. Nakamura, How seaweeds release the excess energy from sunlight to surrounding sea water, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 15745–15753.
K. Koizumi, K. Nobusada, M. Boero, An atomic-level insight into the basic mechanism responsible for the enhancement of the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide on a Cu/CeO2 surface, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (2017) 3498–3505.
V.M. Kovrugin, M. Colmont, O.I. Siidra, S.V. Krivovichev, S. Colis, O. Mentre, The first lead cobalt phosphite, PbCo2(HPO3)(3), Dalton Transactions 46 (2017) 12655–12662.
H. Lahmar, F. Setifi, A. Azizi, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, On the electrochemical synthesis and characterization of p-Cu2O/n-ZnO heterojunction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 718 (2017) 36–45.
E. Lampin, A. Bouzid, G. Ori, M. Boero, C. Massobrio, Impact of dispersion forces on the atomic structure of a prototypical network-forming disordered system: The case of liquid GeSe2, Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (2017) 044504.
C. Lefèvre, A. Demchenko, C. Bouillet, M. Luysberg, X. Devaux, F. Roulland, G. Versini, S. Barre, Y. Wakabayashi, N. Boudet, C. Leuvrey, M. Acosta, C. Mény, E. Martin, S. Grenier, V. Favre-Nicolin, N. Viart, Nondestructive Method for the Determination of the Electric Polarization Orientation in Thin Films: Illustration on Gallium Ferrite Thin Films, Small Methods 1 (2017) 1700234.
H. Li, Y.-I. Matsushita, M. Boero, A. Oshiyama, First-Principles Calculations That Clarify Energetics and Reactions of Oxygen Adsorption and Carbon Desorption on 4H-SiC (11(2)over-bar0) Surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 3920–3928.
K. Makles, D. Metten, X.Z.P. Verlot, S. Berciaud, Graphene hybrid optomechanical plateform for probing interplay between internal and macroscopic degree of freedom, in: 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC), IEEE, 2017.
G. Melinte, S. Moldovan, C. Hirlimann, W. Baaziz, S. Bégin-Colin, C. Pham-Huu, O. Ersen, Catalytic Nanopatterning of Few-Layer Graphene, ACS Catalysis 7 (2017) 5941–5949.
D. Mertz, O. Sandre, S. Bégin-Colin, Drug releasing nanoplatforms activated by alternating magnetic fields, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects 1861 (2017) 1617–1641.
R. Moubah, S. Colis, G. Versini, S. Barre, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, A. Dinia, Structural and Magnetic Properties of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/SrTiO3/CoFe2 Hard-Soft Magnetic Systems, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30 (2017) 1171–1175.
H.L.T. N’Goc, L.D.N. Mouafo, C. Etrillard, A. Torres-Pardo, J.-F. Dayen, S. Rano, G. Rousse, C. Laberty-Robert, J. Gonzales Calbet, M. Drillon, C. Sanchez, B. Doudin, D. Portehault, Surface-Driven Magnetotransport in Perovskite Nanocrystals, Advanced Materials 29 (2017) 1604745.
H. Park, S. Alhammadi, K. Bouras, G. Schmerber, G. Ferblantier, A. Dinia, A. Slaoui, C.-W. Jeon, C. Park, W.K. Kim, Nd-Doped SnO2 and ZnO for Application in Cu(InGa)Se-2 Solar Cells, Science of Advanced Materials 9 (2017) 2114–2120.
T. Pussacq, H. Kabbour, S. Colis, H. Vezin, S. Saitzek, O. Gardoll, C. Tasse, H. Kageyama, C.L. Robert, O. Mentre, Reduction of Ln(2)Ti(2)O(7) Layered Perovskites: A Survey of the Anionic Lattice, Electronic Features, and Potentials, Chemistry of Materials 29 (2017) 1047–1057.
Z. Raolison, Q. Clement, A.-L. Adenot-Engelvin, N. Mallejac, C. Lefèvre, G. Pourroy, F. Boust, N. Vukadinovic, Broadband Permeability Spectra of Flake-Shaped Ferromagnetic Particle Composites, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017: p. 2801704.
M. Reggente, M. Natali, D. Passeri, M. Lucci, I. Davoli, G. Pourroy, P. Masson, H. Palkowski, U. Hangen, A. Carradò, M. Rossi, Multiscale mechanical characterization of hybrid Ti/PMMA layered materials, in: Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017: pp. 244–251.
L. Roiban, O. Ersen, C. Hirlimann, M. Drillon, A. Chaumonnot, L. Lemaitre, A.-S. Gay, L. Sorbier, Three-Dimensional Analytical Surface Quantification of Heterogeneous Silica-Alumina Catalyst Supports, ChemCatChem 9 (2017) 3503–3512.
M. Sekkati, M. Taibi, G. Schmerber, E.B. Benamar, M. Regragui, F.C. El Moursli, C. Leuvrey, Z. Edfouf, Z. Sekkat, A. Dinia, A. Slaoui, M. Abd-Lefdil, The Impact of Na and K on Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 Thin Films Prepared by Ultrasonic Spray Technique, in: Krc, J and Gordon, I and Slaoui, A and Niki, S and Conibeer, G and Ribierre, JC and Moreels, I and Climente, JI and Andre, P and Reece, P and Hildebrandt, S (Ed.), Physica Status Solidi C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics, WILEY-V C H VERLAG GMBH, 2017: p. 1700170.
A. Walter, A. Garofalo, P. Bonazza, F. Meyer, H. Martinez, S. Fleutot, C. Billotey, J. Taleb, D. Felder-Flesch, S. Bégin-Colin, Effect of the Functionalization Process on the Colloidal, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Bioelimination Properties of Mono- or Bisphosphonate-Anchored Dendronized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, ChemPlusChem 82 (2017) 647–659.
C.-C. Yeh, S. Colis, P. Fioux, H.-W. Zan, D. Berling, O. Soppera, Nanoscale Ferromagnetic Cobalt-Doped ZnO Structures Formed by Deep-UV Direct-Patterning, Advanced Materials Interfaces 4 (2017) 1700738.