Publis DON 2023

U. Acevedo-Salas, B. Croes, Y. Zhang, O. Crégut, K.D. Dorkenoo, B. Kirbus, E. Singh, H. Beccard, M. Rusing, L.M. Eng, R. Hertel, E.A. Eliseev, A.N. Morozovska, S. Cherifi-Hertel, Impact of 3D Curvature on the Polarization Orientation in Non-Ising Domain Walls., Nano Letters 23 (2023) 795–803.
P. Adrich, P. Blumer, G. Caratsch, M. Chung, P. Clade, P. Comini, P. Crivelli, O. Dalkarov, P. Debu, A. Douillet, D. Drapier, P. Froelich, N. Garroum, S. Guellati-Khelifa, J. Guyomard, P.-A. Hervieux, L. Hilico, P. Indelicato, S. Jonsell, J. -p. Karr, B. Kim, S. Kim, E. -s. Kim, Y.J. Ko, T. Kosinski, N. Kuroda, B.M. Latacz, B. Lee, H. Lee, J. Lee, E. Lim, L. Liszkay, D. Lunney, G. Manfredi, B. Mansoulie, M. Matusiak, V. Nesvizhevsky, F. Nez, S. Niang, B. Ohayon, K. Park, N. Paul, P. Perez, C. Regenfus, S. Reynaud, C. Roumegou, J. -y. Rousse, Y. Sacquin, G. Sadowski, J. Sarkisyan, M. Sato, F. Schmidt-Kaler, M. Staszczak, K. Szymczyk, T.A. Tanaka, B. Tuchming, B. Vallage, A. Voronin, D.P. van der Werf, A. Welker, D. Won, S. Wronka, Y. Yamazaki, K. -h. Yoo, P. Yzombard, Production of antihydrogen atoms by 6 keV antiprotons through a positronium cloud, European Physical Journal C 83 (2023) 1004.
T. Baron, W. Naim, M. Kurucz, I. Nikolinakos, B. Andrin, Y. Pellegrin, D. Jacquemin, S. Haacke, F. Sauvage, F. Odobel, Transparent and colorless DSSCs featuring thienyl-pyrrolopyrrole cyanine sensitizers, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11 (2023) 16767–16775.
A. Brion, J. Chaud, M. Klimezak, F. Bolze, L. Ohlmann, J. Léonard, S. Chassaing, B. Frisch, A. Kichler, B. Heurtault, A. Specht, Photoactivatable Liposomes for Blue to Deep Red Light-Activated Surface Drug Release: Application to Controlled Delivery of the Antitumoral Drug Melphalan., Bioconjugate Chemistry 34 (2023) 1304–1315.
Y. Cai, D. Begin, C. Sidhoum, A. Girault, T. Fix, C. Lefèvre, W. Belayachi, A. Dinia, D. Preziosi, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, E. Gros-Daillon, F. Ledee, O. Ersen, C. Sanchez, S. Bégin-Colin, Mechanosynthesis of MAPbI3@Graphite Composites with Active Interfaces and Promising Photodetection Properties, Chem. Mater. 35 (2023) 10188–10205.
N. Crouseilles, P.-A. Hervieux, X. Hong, G. Manfredi, Vlasov-Maxwell equations with spin effects, Journal of Plasma Physics 89 (2023) 905890215.
R.B. Doak, R.L. Shoeman, A. Gorel, T.R.M. Barends, B. Marekha, S. Haacke, S. Nizinski, I. Schlichting, Dynamic catcher for stabilization of high-viscosity extrusion jets, Journal of Applied Crystallography 56 (2023) 903–907.
A. Girault, M. Gallart, M. Ziegler, O. Crégut, M. Balestrieri, I. Gozhyk, H. Montigaud, D. Sciacca, L. Mancini, P. Gilliot, Photocarrier dynamics in anatase TiO2: Evidence of thermally activated collisions between carriers, Physical Review B 108 (2023) 155204.
R. Goerlich, L.B. Pires, G. Manfredi, P.-A. Hervieux, C. Genet, Reply to “Comment on `Harvesting information to control nonequilibrium states of active matter’ “, Physical Review E 107 (2023) 056602.
E. Gravier, T. Drouot, M. Lesur, A. Guillevic, G. Lo-Cascio, J. Moritz, D. Escande, G. Manfredi, Collision rates estimated from exact N-body simulations of a one-dimensional plasma, Physics of Plasmas 30 (2023) 012102.
V. Hardel, P.-A. Hervieux, G. Manfredi, Relaxation to Quantum Equilibrium and the Born Rule in Nelson’s Stochastic Dynamics, Foundations of Physics 53 (2023) 89.
S. Jiang, T. Neuman, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, G. Schull, Topologically localized excitons in single graphene nanoribbons., Science 379 (2023) 1049–1053.
S. Jiang, T. Neuman, R. Bretel, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, E. Le Moal, G. Schull, Many-Body Description of STM-Induced Fluorescence of Charged Molecules., Physical Review Letters 130 (2023) 126202.
A. Jouaiti, L. Ballerini, H.-L. Shen, R. Viel, F. Polo, N. Kyritsakas, S. Haacke, Y.-T. Huang, C.-W. Lu, C. Gourlaouen, H.-C. Su, M. Mauro, Binuclear Copper(I) Complexes for Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells., Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 62 (2023) e202305569–e202305569.
M. Karczewska, P. Strzelecki, A. Szalewska-Palasz, D. Nowicki, How to Tackle Bacteriophages: The Review of Approaches with Mechanistic Insight., International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2023) 4447.
M. Karczewska, P. Strzelecki, K. Bogucka, K. Potrykus, A. Szalewska-Palasz, D. Nowicki, Increased Levels of (p)ppGpp Correlate with Virulence and Biofilm Formation, but Not with Growth, in Strains of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli., International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (2023) 3315.
G. Krieger, A. Raji, L. Schlur, G. Versini, C. Bouillet, M. Lenertz, J. Robert, A. Gloter, N. Viart, D. Preziosi, Synthesis of infinite-layer nickelates and influence of the capping-layer on magnetotransport, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 56 (2023) 024003.
K. Lévêque-Simon, P.-A. Hervieux, Antihydrogen formation from laser-assisted antiproton-positronium collisions, Physical Review A 107 (2023) 052813.
M. Liard, D. Lootens, P. Hébraud, Aggregation kinetics of a concentrated colloidal suspension under oscillatory flow., The European Physical Journal. E, Soft Matter 46 (2023) 49–49.
A. Maghraoui, F. Fras, M. Vomir, Y. Brelet, V. Halté, J.-Y. Bigot, M. Barthelemy, Role of intersublattice exchange interaction in ultrafast longitudinal and transverse magnetization dynamics in permalloy, Physical Review B 107 (2023) 134424.
F. Mammadova, F.C. Inyurt, A. Barsella, C. Dengiz, Cyano-rich donor-acceptor-donor-type NLOphores containing dialkylated triazene and aniline groups*, Dyes and Pigments 209 (2023) 110894.
G. Manfredi, A. Rittaud, C. Tronci, Hybrid quantum-classical dynamics of pure-dephasing systems, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 56 (2023) 154002.
A.R. Marri, B. Marekha, T. Penfold, S. Haacke, P.C. Gros, Towards panchromatic Fe(ii) NHC sensitizers via HOMO inversion, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 10 (2023) 118–126.
E. Martin, S. Grenier, S. Barre, G. Versini, N. Blanc, N. Boudet, F. Roulland, G. Pourroy, N. Viart, C. Lefevre, Deleterious effect of rare earth elements substitution on the auxetic behavior of CoFe2O4 thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 935 (2023) 168082.
B. Miller, G. Manfredi, D. Pirjol, J.-L. Rouet, From chaos to cosmology: insights gained from 1D gravity, Classical and Quantum Gravity 40 (2023) 073001.
L.B. Pires, R. Goerlich, A.L. da Fonseca, M. Debiossac, P.-A. Hervieux, G. Manfredi, C. Genet, Optimal Time-Entropy Bounds and Speed Limits for Brownian Thermal Shortcuts., Physical Review Letters 131 (2023) 097101.
J. Shaya, J.-C. Ribierre, G. Correia, Y.J. Dappe, F. Mathevet, L. Mager, B. Heinrich, S. Méry, Control of the Organization of 4,4’-bis(carbazole)-1,1’-biphenyl (CBP) Molecular Materials through Siloxane Functionalization., Molecules 28 (2023) 2038.
M. Yahya, N. Seferoglu, G. Kaplan, Y. Nural, A. Barsella, Z. Seferoglu, Synthesis, nonlinear optical properties, photophysical, and theoretical studies of azo dye bearing coumarin-thiophene, Journal of Molecular Structure 1273 (2023) 134257.