IPCMS today
IPCMS (“Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials of Strasbourg (IPCMS), UMR 7504 CNRS – University of Strasbourg”), is an internationally well-established research and training center in the field of materials and nanoscience. The staff is affiliated to CNRS (INP, INC) and to Unistra (Physics & Engineering, Chemistry, ECPM, Télécom Physique Strasbourg). The laboratory is organized in 3 departments of physics and 2 departments of chemistry with strong interactions:
Department of Magnetism of nanostructured objects (DMONS)
Department of Ultrafast Optics and Nanophotonics (DON)
Department of Surfaces and Interfaces (DSI)
Department of Chemistry of Inorganic Materials (DCMI)
Department of Organic Materials (DMO)
Our research and transfer activity is highly multidisciplinary, at the frontiers of physics and chemistry, focused on five major transverse axes:
- Quantum sciences and materials,
- Biomaterials, bio photonics and health,
- Advanced molecular systems,
- Nano, and femtomagnetism,
- Advanced materials and devices for energy and the environment
The research carried out at the IPCMS is based on strong expertise in experimental science, theory and modeling.
We have an important and first class instrumental park for the fabrication and the study of materials or devices at all spatial scales (from atom to bulk) and time scales (femtosecond towards attosecond), and recognized expertise in theory and modelling at the atomic scale associating different approaches (quantum mechanics, DFT, molecular mechanics, finite elements…). The IPCMS has implemented 2 EquipEx (UNION and UTEM) and is coordinating the LabEx NIE and the EUR QMAT, which have recently been merged into the ITI QMAT.
The IPCMS manages the STNano nanofabrication platform within the RENATECH ++ network and an electron microscopy platform of the METSA network. To favor technological transfer, a strong motivation drives the establishment of partnerships with companies, with the support of the SATT CONECTUS. We are especially involved in two Joint Research Laboratories, CARMEN with IFP-EN and MOLIERE with Dassault Aviation.
IPCMS belongs to a regional network of laboratories active in material science, the “Grand-Est research federation in materials and nanosciences”. Along the same lines, IPCMS plays an important role in several inter-laboratories research groups active in France. IPCMS is very much open and active on the international scene, through a range of institutional contacts with international partners. We are strongly engaged with Brazil, India and Korea, within CNRS International Research Projects and an International Research Laboratory.
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