Magnétisme des nanostructures

Comprendre les propriétés fonctionnelles des matériaux, couches minces et nanostructures nécessite de corréler leur structure à l’échelle nanométrique à leurs propriétés magnétiques. Pour atteindre cet objectif, la stratégie de l’équipe est de combiner des outils d’investigation classiques (diffraction des rayons X, SQUID et la mesure de couple par magnétométrie) avec des techniques avancées impliquant des développements internes: sondes locales (RMN pour matériaux ferromagnétiques, XMCD) ou imagerie (MET, MFM, holographie électronique). Les exemples sont des alliages anisotropes avec une application dans le stockage de l’information à haute densité, multicouches pour miroirs à rayons X, matériaux multiferroïques pour la spintronique, ou la sélection des nanoparticules par taille pour applications magnétiques et catalytiques. Le cas échéant, des méthodes d’analyse spécifiques sophistiquées (y compris des simulations de dynamique moléculaire) sont élaborées afin de mieux comprendre les observations.


Les membres de l’équipe

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Publications récentes :

B. Flebus, D. Grundler, B. Rana, Y. Otani, I. Barsukov, A. Barman, G. Gubbiotti, P. Landeros, J. Akerman, U. Ebels, P. Pirro, V.E. Demidov, K. Schultheiss, G. Csaba, Q. Wang, F. Ciubotaru, D.E. Nikonov, P. Che, R. Hertel, T. Ono, D. Afanasiev, J. Mentink, T. Rasing, B. Hillebrands, S.V. Kusminskiy, W. Zhang, C.R. Du, A. Finco, T. van der Sar, Y.K. Luo, Y. Shiota, J. Sklenar, T. Yu, J. Rao, The 2024 magnonics roadmap, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36 (2024) 363501.
M. Gołębiewski, R. Hertel, M. d’Aquino, V. Vasyuchka, M. Weiler, P. Pirro, M. Krawczyk, S. Fukami, H. Ohno, J. Llandro, Collective Spin-Wave Dynamics in Gyroid Ferromagnetic Nanostructures, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 16 (2024) 22177–22188.
M. Pacé, O. Kovalenko, J. Solano, M. Hehn, M. Bailleul, M. Vomir, Increasing terahertz spintronic emission with planar antennas, APL Materials 12 (2024) 051113.
L. Temdie, V. Castel, V. Vlaminck, M.B. Jungfleisch, R. Bernard, H. Majjad, D. Stoeffler, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, Probing Spin Wave Diffraction Patterns of Curved Antennas, Physical Review Applied 21 (2024) 014032.
U. Acevedo-Salas, B. Croes, Y. Zhang, O. Crégut, K.D. Dorkenoo, B. Kirbus, E. Singh, H. Beccard, M. Rusing, L.M. Eng, R. Hertel, E.A. Eliseev, A.N. Morozovska, S. Cherifi-Hertel, Impact of 3D Curvature on the Polarization Orientation in Non-Ising Domain Walls., Nano Letters 23 (2023) 795–803.
M. d’Aquino, R. Hertel, Micromagnetic frequency-domain simulation methods for magnonic systems, Journal of Applied Physics 133 (2023) 033902.
M. d’Aquino, S. Perna, M. Pancaldi, R. Hertel, S. Bonetti, C. Serpico, Micromagnetic study of inertial spin waves in ferromagnetic nanodots, Physical Review B 107 (2023) 144412.
D. Markó, R. Cheenikundil, J. Bauer, K. Lenz, W.-C. Chuang, K.-W. Lin, J.-C. Wu, M. d’Aquino, R. Hertel, D.S. Schmool, Interpretation of Spin-Wave Modes in \mathrmCo/\mathrmAg Nanodot Arrays Probed by Broadband Ferromagnetic Resonance, Physical Review Applied 20 (2023) 024059.
K.A. Oukaci, D. Stoeffler, M. Hehn, M. Grassi, B. Sarpi, M. Bailleul, Y. Henry, S. Petit, F. Montaigne, R. Belkhou, D. Lacour, Oscillatory buckling reversal of a weak stripe magnetic texture, Materials Research Letters 11 (2023) 789–795.
S. Pandey, S. Hettler, R. Arenal, C. Bouillet, A.R. Moghe, S. Berciaud, J. Robert, J.-F. Dayen, D. Halley, Room-temperature anomalous Hall effect in graphene in interfacial magnetic proximity to EuO grown by topotactic reduction, Physical Review B 108 (2023) 144423.
L. Temdie, V. Castel, C. Dubs, G. Pradhan, J. Solano, H. Majjad, R. Bernard, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, V. Vlaminck, High wave vector non-reciprocal spin wave beams, AIP Advances 13 (2023) 025207.
L. Temdie, V. Castel, T. Reimann, M. Lindner, C. Dubs, G. Pradhan, J. Solano, R. Bernard, H. Majjad, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, V. Vlaminck, Chiral Excitation of Exchange Spin Waves Using Gold Nanowire Grating, Magnetochemistry 9 (2023) 199.
V. Vlaminck, L. Temdie, V. Castel, M.B. Jungfleisch, D. Stoeffler, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, Spin wave diffraction model for perpendicularly magnetized films, Journal of Applied Physics 133 (2023) 053903.
C. Weiss, M. Grassi, Y. Roussigne, A. Stashkevich, T. Schefer, J. Robert, M. Bailleul, M. Kostylev, Excitation and reception of magnetostatic surface spin waves in thin conducting ferromagnetic films by coplanar microwave antennas. Part II: Experiment, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 565 (2023) 170002.
G. Avedissian, J. Arabski, J.A. Wytko, J. Weiss, V. Papaefthimiou, G. Schmerber, G. Rogez, E. Beaurepaire, C. Mény, Exchange bias at the organic/ferromagnet interface may not be a spinterface effect, Applied Physics Reviews 9 (2022) 011417.
W. Belayachi, G. Ferblantier, T. Fix, G. Schmerber, J.-L. Rehspringer, T. Heiser, A. Slaoui, M. Abd-Lefdil, A. Dinia, SnO2 Films Elaborated by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering as Potential Transparent Conducting Oxides Alternative for Organic Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials 5 (2022) 170–177.
S. Bouzida, M. Battas, E.B. Benamar, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, M. Abd-Lefdil, M. Regragui, Effect of volume of the solution and sulfurization on properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films fabricated by spray assisted chemical vapour deposition method, Materials Research Innovations 26 (2022) 127–133.
B. Chowrira, L. Kandpal, M. Lamblin, F. Ngassam, C.-A. Kouakou, T. Zafar, D. Mertz, B. Vileno, C. Kieber, G. Versini, B. Gobaut, L. Joly, T. Ferté, E. Monteblanco, A. Bahouka, R. Bernard, S. Mohapatra, H. Prima Garcia, S. Elidrissi, M. Gavara, E. Sternitzky, V. Da Costa, M. Hehn, F. Montaigne, F. Choueikani, P. Ohresser, D. Lacour, W. Weber, S. Boukari, M. Alouani, M. Bowen, Quantum Advantage in a Molecular Spintronic Engine that Harvests Thermal Fluctuation Energy., Advanced Materials 34 (2022) e2206688.
R. Kozubski, C. Issro, K. Zapala, M. Kozlowski, M. Rennhofer, E. Partyka, V. Pierron-Bohnes, W. Pfeiler, Atomic migration and ordering phenomena in bulk and thin films of FePd and FePt, International Journal of Materials Research 97 (2022) 273–284.
S. Mohapatra, S. Cherifi-Hertel, S.K. Kuppusamy, G. Schmerber, J. Arabski, B. Gobaut, W. Weber, M. Bowen, V. Da Costa, S. Boukari, Organic ferroelectric croconic acid: a concise survey from bulk single crystals to thin films, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10 (2022) 8142–8167.
I. Anefnaf, S. Aazou, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, Z. Sekkat, Tailoring PEIE capped ZnO binary cathode for solution-processed inverted organic solar cells, Optical Materials 116 (2021) 111070.
W. Belayachi, S. Boujmiraz, S. Zouhair, K. Yasaroglu, G. Schmerber, J.-L. Rehspringer, T. Fix, A. Slaoui, M. Abd-Lefdil, A. Dinia, Study of hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskite solar cells based on MAI[(PbI2)(1-x)(CuI)(x)] absorber layers and their long-term stability, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 32 (2021) 20684–20697.
H. Bulou, L. Joly, J.-M. Mariot, F. Scheurer, Magnetism and Accelerator-Based Light Sources, 2021.
T. Fix, G. Schmerber, J.-L. Rehspringer, M.V. Rastei, S. Roques, J. Bartringer, A. Slaoui, Insights on hexagonal TbMnO3 for optoelectronic applications: From powders to thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 883 (2021) 160922.
C. Mény, P. Panissod, Nuclear magnetic resonance in ferromagnets: Ferromagnetic nuclear resonance; a very broadband approach, in: G.A. Webb (Ed.), Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, Academic Press, 2021: pp. 47–96.
L. Poggini, E. Tancini, C. Danieli, A.L. Sorrentino, G. Serrano, A. Lunghi, L. Malavolti, G. Cucinotta, A.-L. Barra, A. Juhin, M.-A. Arrio, W. Li, E. Otero, P. Ohresser, L. Joly, J.P. Kappler, F. Totti, P. Sainctavit, A. Caneschi, R. Sessoli, A. Cornia, M. Mannini, Engineering Chemisorption of Fe4 Single-Molecule Magnets on Gold, Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2021) 2101182.
M. Popa, L.C. Pop, G. Schmerber, C. Bouillet, O. Ersen, Impact of the structural properties of holmium doped ZnO thin films grown by sol-gel method on their optical properties, Applied Surface Science 562 (2021) 150159.
S. Siouane, A. Kabir, F.Z. Gadouche, C. Sedrati, A. Bouabellou, G. Schmerber, Structural, optical and electrical characterization of Cd0.5Zn0.5S thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis, Solid State Sciences 121 (2021) 106735.
I. Anefnaf, S. Aazou, G. Schmerber, S. Refki, N. Zimmermann, T. Heiser, G. Ferblantier, A. Slaoui, A. Dinia, M. Abd-Lefdil, Z. Sekkat, Polyethylenimine-Ethoxylated Interfacial Layer for Efficient Electron Collection in SnO2-Based Inverted Organic Solar Cells, Crystals 10 (2020).
I. Anefnaf, S. Aazou, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, Z. Sekkat, Study the effect of fullerene derivatives ratio on P3HT-based inverted organic solar cells, in: Z.H. Kafafi, P.A. Lane, K. Lee, H.W. Ade, Y.-L. (Lynn) Loo (Eds.), Organic, Hybrid, and Perovskite Photovoltaics XXI, SPIE, 2020: pp. 57–66.
G. Avedissian, J. Arabski, J.A. Wytko, J. Weiss, C. Mény, Probing the Growth of Organic Molecular Films Embedded between Cobalt and Iron Electrodes: Ferromagnetic Nuclear Resonance Approach, Advanced Functional Materials 2005605 (2020) 1–6.
G. Avedissian, J. Arabski, J.A. Wytko, J. Weiss, C. Mény, Revealing the morphology and the magnetic properties of single buried cobalt-ZnTPP hybrid interfaces by ferromagnetic nuclear resonance spectroscopy, Physical Review B 102 (2020) 184114.
A. El Hat, I. Chaki, R. Essajai, A. Mzerd, G. Schmerber, M. Regragui, A. Belayachi, Z. Sekkat, A. Dinia, A. Slaoui, M. Abd-Lefdil, Growth and Characterization of (Tb,Yb) Co-Doping Sprayed ZnO Thin Films, Crystals 10 (2020) 169.
M. Fevre, J.-M. Sanchez, J.R. Stewart, J.-S. Merot, F. Fossard, Y. Le Bouar, K. Tanaka, H. Numakura, G. Schmerber, V. Pierron-Bohnes, Investigations of the Co-Pt alloy phase diagram with neutron diffuse scattering, inverse cluster variation method, and Monte Carlo simulations, Physical Review B 102 (2020) 134114.
B. Kengni-Zanguim, L. Joly, F. Scheurer, P. Ohresser, J.-F. Dayen, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, J. Uzan, B. Kundys, H. Majjad, D. Halley, Magnetic phase and magneto-resistive effects in vanadium oxide epitaxial nanoclusters, Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 042404.
K.L. Krewer, W. Zhang, J. Arabski, G. Schmerber, E. Beaurepaire, M. Bonn, D. Turchinovich, Thickness-dependent electron momentum relaxation times in iron films, Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 102406.
W. Zhang, P. Maldonado, Z. Jin, T.S. Seifert, J. Arabski, G. Schmerber, E. Beaurepaire, M. Bonn, T. Kampfrath, P.M. Oppeneer, D. Turchinovich, Ultrafast terahertz magnetometry, Nature Communications 11 (2020) 4247.

Facettage à l’échelle atomique dans les nanoparticules de CoPt épitaxiées sur NaCl

Transition dans Ce massif sous Pression

Couplage d’échange magnétique oscillant dans des multicouches Cobalt/Silicium déposées à 90 K

Dynamique de réseau et enthalpies de migration dans CoPt3 et FePd

Diversité des couplages magnétiques dans les multicouches d’oxydes

Films d’alliage anisotrope CoPt(110)

Films d’alliage magnétique anisotrope FeNiPt2

Dichroisme magnétique circulaire dans CeFe2 par diffusion inélastique de rayons x résonnante