18 Mars 2025

Séminaire Axe 1- “Sciences et Matériaux Quantiques” présenté par : Cosimo Gorini

Titre : Tunneling spin - charge conversion at interfaces

Charge currents may be generated by pure spin injection via the spin galvanic effect, also
referred to as “inverse Rashba – Edelstein effect”, and/or the inverse spin Hall effect. In a
typical spin pumping setup consisting of a injector, e.g. a driven magnetic electrode, and a
converter, a metallic spin-orbit coupled system, both effects contribute to the conversion. If
however the converter is 2D only the spin galvanic channel is available. This is notably the
relevant scenario for 2D dimensional electron gases at oxide interfaces.
Recent experiments at such interfaces show strongly anisotropic spin- (and orbit-) to charge
conversion [1], which I will explain in terms of the “tunneling anisotropic spin galvanic effect”
[2]. I will also show how intrinsic time scales heavily affect such conversion in the ultrafast
regime [3].

[1] El Hamdi et al., Nat. Phys. 19, 1855 (2023)
[2] Fleury et al., Phys. Rev. B 108, L081402 (2023)
[3] El Hamdi et al., Phys. Rev. B 110, 054412 (2024)

Contact: Arnaud GLOPPE (arnaud.gloppe@ipcms.unistra.fr) – Guillaume SCHULL (schull@unistra.fr)

18 Mars 2025, 11h0012h00
Auditorium de l’IPCMS

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