Ingénieur de Recherche, Magnétisme des objets nanostructurés (DMONS)Hicham.Majjad@ipcms.unistra.frTél: +33(0)3 88 10 70 10Bureau: 1011
Fonctions et Responsabilités
- Responsable de la Plateforme de nanofabrication STnano
- Membre du board de l’Institut Thématiques Interdisciplinaires Qmat
- Membre du bureau du C’Nano EST
- Responsable TP nanofabrication pour le “Cell Physics Master”
- Membre du conseil de l’Ecole Doctorale de Physique et Chimie-Physique (ED 182) de l’Université de Strasbourg
Projets financés
- UpQuantVal (Interreg)
- PEPR Electronique (PC Renatech)
- RANGE (FRCR Région Grand Est)
- RANGEX (Idex-Covid, Unistra)
- 2DLab (Labex-NIE)
- EvapTher (conseil scientifique, Unistra)
- NanoElectro (Idex Mi-lourd, Unistra)
- ST_AFM (CPER Alsace)
Parcours de recherche
Développement de nouveaux procédés de micro et nanofabrication pour les thématiques suivantes :
- Spintronique
- Matériaux 2D
- Multiferroïques
- Magnonique
Parcours universitaire
Doctorat en Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur de l’Université de Franche-Comté
Post-doctorat au Laboratoire Ångström de l’Université d’Uppsala en Suède
X. Zhang, K. Makles, L. Colombier, D. Metten, H. Majjad, P. Verlot, S. Berciaud, Dynamically-enhanced strain in atomically thin resonators, Nature Communications 11 (2020) 5526. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-19261-3.
L. Temdie, V. Castel, V. Vlaminck, M.B. Jungfleisch, R. Bernard, H. Majjad, D. Stoeffler, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, Probing Spin Wave Diffraction Patterns of Curved Antennas, Physical Review Applied 21 (2024) 014032. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.014032.
L. Temdie, V. Castel, T. Reimann, M. Lindner, C. Dubs, G. Pradhan, J. Solano, R. Bernard, H. Majjad, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, V. Vlaminck, Chiral Excitation of Exchange Spin Waves Using Gold Nanowire Grating, Magnetochemistry 9 (2023) 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry9080199.
L. Temdie, V. Castel, C. Dubs, G. Pradhan, J. Solano, H. Majjad, R. Bernard, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, V. Vlaminck, High wave vector non-reciprocal spin wave beams, AIP Advances 13 (2023) 025207. https://doi.org/10.1063/9.0000535.
F. Schleicher, U. Halisdemir, D. Lacour, M. Gallart, S. Boukari, G. Schmerber, V. Davesne, P. Panissod, D. Halley, H. Majjad, Y. Henry, B. Leconte, A. Boulard, D. Spor, N. Beyer, C. Kieber, E. Sternitzky, O. Crégut, M. Ziegler, F. Montaigne, E. Beaurepaire, P. Gilliot, M. Hehn, M. Bowen, Localized states in advanced dielectrics from the vantage of spin- and symmetry-polarized tunnelling across MgO, Nature Communications 5 (2014) 4547 /p.1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms5547.
P.L. Popa, G. Dalmas, V. Faramarzi, J.-F. Dayen, H. Majjad, N.T. Kemp, B. Doudin, Heteronanojunctions with atomic size control using a lab-on-chip electrochemical approach with integrated microfluidics, Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 215302 /p. 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/22/21/215302.
P.L. Popa, N.T. Kemp, H. Majjad, G. Dalmas, V. Faramarzi, C. Andreas, R. Hertel, B. Doudin, The magnetoelectrochemical switch, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (2014) 10433–10437. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1322828111.
F. Omeis, Z. Boubegtiten-Fezoua, A.F.S. Seica, R. Bernard, M.H. Iqbal, N. Javahiraly, R.M.A. Vergauwe, H. Majjad, F. Boulmedais, D. Moss, P. Hellwig, Plasmonic Resonant Nanoantennas Induce Changes in the Shape and the Intensity of Infrared Spectra of Phospholipids, Molecules 27 (2022) 62. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27010062.
F. Omeis, A.F.S. Seica, R. Bernard, N. Javahiraly, H. Majjad, D. Moss, P. Hellwig, Following the Chemical Immobilization of Membrane Proteins on Plasmonic Nanoantennas Using Infrared Spectroscopy, ACS Sensors 5 (2020) 2191–2197. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.0c00824.
M. Ochapski, E. Urbain, F. Djeghloul, V. Speisser, H. Majjad, D. Spor, A.D. Vu, J. Coraux, N. Rougemaille, G. Chen, A.K. Schmid, M. Suzuki, T. Yasue, T. Koshikawa, H. Bulou, W. Weber, Breakdown of the electron-spin motion upon reflection at metal-organic or metal-carbon interfaces. II., Physical Review B 93 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.93.174411.
U.N. Noumbe, C. Greboval, C. Livache, A. Chu, H. Majjad, L.E.P. Lopez, L.D.N. Mouafo, B. Doudin, S. Berciaud, J. Chaste, A. Ouerghi, E. Lhuillier, J.-F. Dayen, Reconfigurable 2D/0D p-n Graphene/HgTe Nanocrystal Heterostructure for Infrared Detection, ACS Nano 14 (2020) 4567–4576. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.0c00103.
L.D.N. Mouafo, F. Godel, G. Melinte, S. Hajjar-Garreau, H. Majjad, B. Dlubak, O. Ersen, B. Doudin, L. Simon, P. Seneor, J.-F. Dayen, Anisotropic Magneto-Coulomb Properties of 2D-0D Heterostructure Single Electron Device, Advanced Materials 30 (2018) 1802478. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201802478.
D. Kundys, A. Cascales, A.S. Makhort, H. Majjad, F. Chevrier, B. Doudin, A. Fedrizzi, B. Kundys, Optically Rewritable Memory in a Graphene-Ferroelectric-Photovoltaic Heterostructure, Physical Review Applied 13 (2020) 064034. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.13.064034.
B. Kundys, V. Iurchuk, C. Mény, H. Majjad, B. Doudin, Sub-coercive and multi-level ferroelastic remnant states with resistive readout, Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014) 232905. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4883375.
N. Konstantinov, A. Tauzin, U.N. Noumbe, D. Dragoe, B. Kundys, H. Majjad, A. Brosseau, M. Lenertz, A. Singh, S. Berciaud, M.-L. Boillot, B. Doudin, T. Mallah, J.-F. Dayen, Electrical read-out of light-induced spin transition in thin film spin crossover/graphene heterostructures, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (2021) 2712–2720. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0tc05202g.
B. Kengni-Zanguim, L. Joly, F. Scheurer, P. Ohresser, J.-F. Dayen, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, J. Uzan, B. Kundys, H. Majjad, D. Halley, Magnetic phase and magneto-resistive effects in vanadium oxide epitaxial nanoclusters, Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 042404. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5131829.
V. Iurchuk, H. Majjad, F. Chevrier, D. Kundys, B. Leconte, B. Doudin, B. Kundys, Multi-state and non-volatile control of graphene conductivity with surface electric fields, Applied Physics Letters 107 (2015) 182901. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4934738.
D. Halley, N. Najjari, H. Majjad, L. Joly, P. Ohresser, F. Scheurer, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, S. Berciaud, B. Doudin, Y. Henry, Size-induced enhanced magnetoelectric effect and multiferroicity in chromium oxide nanoclusters, Nature Communications 5 (2014) 3167. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms4167.
U. Halisdemir, F. Schleicher, D.J. Kim, B. Taudul, D. Lacour, W.S. Choi, M. Gallart, S. Boukari, G. Schmerber, V. Davesne, P. Panissod, D. Halley, H. Majjad, Y. Henry, B. Leconte, A. Boulard, D. Spor, N. Beyer, C. Kieber, E. Sternitzky, O. Crégut, M. Ziegler, F. Montaigne, J. Arabski, E. Beaurepaire, W. Jo, M. Alouani, P. Gilliot, M. Hehn, M. Bowen, Oxygen-vacancy driven tunnelling spintronics across MgO, in: Drouhin, HJ and Wegrowe, JE and Razeghi, M (Ed.), SPINTRONICS IX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2239017.
C. Gréboval, C. Dabard, N. Konstantinov, M. Cavallo, S.-S. Chee, A. Chu, T.H. Dang, A. Khalili, E. Izquierdo, Y. Prado, H. Majjad, X.Z. Xu, J.-F. Dayen, E. Lhuillier, Split-Gate Photodiode Based on Graphene/HgTe Heterostructures with a Few Nanosecond Photoresponse, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 3 (2021) 4681–4688. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.1c00442.
F. Godel, C. Mény, B. Doudin, H. Majjad, J.-F. Dayen, D. Halley, Epitaxial ferromagnetic single clusters and smooth continuous layers on large area MgO/CVD graphene substrates, Materials Research Express 5 (2018) 025606. https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aaaff1.
F. Godel, E. Pichonat, D. Vignaud, H. Majjad, D. Metten, Y. Henry, S. Berciaud, J.F. Dayen, D. Halley, Epitaxy of MgO magnetic tunnel barriers on epitaxial graphene, Nanotechnology 24 (2013) 475708. https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/24/47/475708.
N. Feillee, M. De Fina, A. Ponche, C. Vaulot, S. Rigolet, L. Jacomine, H. Majjad, C. Ley, A. Chemtob, Step-growth thiol-thiol photopolymerization as radiation curing technology, Journal of Polymer Science Part A-Polymer Chemistry 55 (2017) 117–128. https://doi.org/10.1002/pola.28369.
N. Feillée, A. Chemtob, C. Ley, C. Croutxé-Barghorn, X. Allonas, A. Ponche, D. Le Nouen, H. Majjad, L. Jacomine, Photoinduced Cross-Linking of Dynamic Poly(disulfide) Films via Thiol Oxidative Coupling, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 37 (2016) 155–160. https://doi.org/10.1002/marc.201500459.
A. Chu, C. Greboval, Y. Prado, H. Majjad, C. Delerue, J.-F. Dayen, G. Vincent, E. Lhuillier, Infrared photoconduction at the diffusion length limit in HgTe nanocrystal arrays, Nature Communications 12 (2021) 1794. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-21959-x.
M. Cavallo, A. Ram, S. Pandey, T. Maroutian, E. Bossavit, N. Ledos, A. Khalili, H. Zhang, Y. Prado, D.L. Nguyen, T.H. Dang, H. Majjad, J. Biscaras, J. Avila, J.F. Dayen, E. Lhuillier, D. Pierucci, Using wafer scale ferroelectric domains of LiNbO3 to form permanent planar p-n junction in narrow band gap nanocrystals, Applied Physics Letters 123 (2023) 253505. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0183277.
E. Bertin, D. Halley, Y. Henry, N. Najjari, H. Majjad, M. Bowen, V. DaCosta, J. Arabski, B. Doudin, Random barrier double-well model for resistive switching in tunnel barriers, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 083712 /p. 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3561497.