Recherches actuelles
- Molecular magnetism
- Magnetic nanostructured objects in interaction with surfaces
- Changing magnetic properties with external electric stimuli
P. Strzelecki, N. Joly, P. Hébraud, E. Hoffmann, G.M. Cech, A. Kloska, F. Busi, W. Grange, Enhanced Golden Gate Assembly: evaluating overhang strength for improved ligation efficiency, Nucleic Acids Research 52 (2024) e95.
B. Chowrira, L. Kandpal, M. Lamblin, F. Ngassam, C.-A. Kouakou, T. Zafar, D. Mertz, B. Vileno, C. Kieber, G. Versini, B. Gobaut, L. Joly, T. Ferté, E. Monteblanco, A. Bahouka, R. Bernard, S. Mohapatra, H. Prima Garcia, S. Elidrissi, M. Gavara, E. Sternitzky, V. Da Costa, M. Hehn, F. Montaigne, F. Choueikani, P. Ohresser, D. Lacour, W. Weber, S. Boukari, M. Alouani, M. Bowen, Quantum Advantage in a Molecular Spintronic Engine that Harvests Thermal Fluctuation Energy., Advanced Materials 34 (2022) e2206688.
L. Joly, F. Scheurer, P. Ohresser, B. Kengni-Zanguim, J.-F. Dayen, P. Seneor, B. Dlubak, F. Godel, D. Halley, X-ray magnetic dichroism and tunnel magneto-resistance study of the magnetic phase in epitaxial CrVO x nanoclusters, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 34 (2022) 175801.
L. Poggini, E. Tancini, C. Danieli, A.L. Sorrentino, G. Serrano, A. Lunghi, L. Malavolti, G. Cucinotta, A.-L. Barra, A. Juhin, M.-A. Arrio, W. Li, E. Otero, P. Ohresser, L. Joly, J.P. Kappler, F. Totti, P. Sainctavit, A. Caneschi, R. Sessoli, A. Cornia, M. Mannini, Engineering Chemisorption of Fe4 Single-Molecule Magnets on Gold, Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2021) 2101182.
B. Kengni-Zanguim, L. Joly, F. Scheurer, P. Ohresser, J.-F. Dayen, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, J. Uzan, B. Kundys, H. Majjad, D. Halley, Magnetic phase and magneto-resistive effects in vanadium oxide epitaxial nanoclusters, Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 042404.
F. Ngassam, E. Urbain, L. Joly, S. Boukari, J. Arabski, F. Bertran, P. Le Fevre, G. Garreau, P. Wetzel, M. Alouani, M. Bowen, W. Weber, Fluorinated Phthalocyanine Molecules on Ferromagnetic Cobalt: A Highly Polarized Spinterface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019) 26475–26480.
S.F. Jafri, E.S. Koumousi, M.-A. Arrio, A. Juhin, D. Mitcov, M. Rouzieres, P. Dechambenoit, D. Li, E. Otero, F. Wilhelm, A. Rogalev, L. Joly, J.-P. Kappler, C.C.D. Moulin, C. Mathoniere, R. Clerac, P. Sainctavit, Atomic Scale Evidence of the Switching Mechanism in a Photomagnetic CoFe Dinuclear Prussian Blue Analogue, Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (2019) 3470–3479.
J.-P. Kappler, E. Otero, W. Li, L. Joly, G. Schmerber, B. Muller, F. Scheurer, F. Leduc, B. Gobaut, L. Poggini, G. Serrano, F. Choueikani, E. Lhotel, A. Cornia, R. Sessoli, M. Mannini, M.-A. Arrio, Ph. Sainctavit, P. Ohresser, Ultralow-temperature device dedicated to soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism experiments, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25 (2018) 1727–1735.
F. Schleicher, M. Studniarek, K.S. Kumar, E. Urbain, K. Katcko, J. Chen, T. Frauhammer, M. Herve, U. Halisdemir, L.M. Kandpal, D. Lacour, A. Riminucci, L. Joly, F. Scheurer, B. Gobaut, F. Choueikani, E. Otero, P. Ohresser, J. Arabski, G. Schmerber, W. Wulfhekel, E. Beaurepaire, W. Weber, S. Boukari, M. Ruben, M. Bowen, Linking Electronic Transport through a Spin Crossover Thin Film to the Molecular Spin State Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Operando Techniques, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (2018) 31580–31585.