Manas Pratim BISWAS

Manas Pratim BISWAS

Doctorant, Magnétisme des objets nanostructurés (DMONS), Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 72 31Bureau: 1053

Parcours de recherche

Since 2024: Doctoral Researcher, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (France), working on the thesis “Atomic-scale quantum photonics of moiré superlattices (AQME)” under the supervision of Stéphane Berciaud (DMONS) and Guillaume Schull (DSI).

2023 – 2024: MS Thesis Research Intern, Quantum Transport Lab, Indian Institute of Science (India), working on the thesis “Equilibration dynamics of quantum Hall edge states in graphene” under the supervision of Anindya Das (Department of Physics).

2022 – 2023: BS Thesis Research Intern, Interface-Engineering of Quantum Materials Lab, Indian Institute of Science (India), working on the thesis “Electrostatic gating of oxide-based two-dimensional electron gas” under the supervision of Srimanta Middey (Department of Physics).

Parcours universitaire

Since 2024: PhD (Physics), Université de Strasbourg (France).

2019 – 2024: BS-MS (Physics), Indian Institute of Science (India).

Recherches actuelles

Interests: STM-induced luminescence in twist-engineered van der Waals heterostructures to investigate the quantum light-matter interactions in vdW heterostructures of atomically-thin materials with ultimate spatial resolution.

Techniques: Nanofabrication, Low-temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Optical Spectroscopy.



1. M. Biswas, Voltmeters as EMF measurers?, Physics Education Volume 37. No. 2, April – June (2021).