I am a CNRS Research Director at the CNRS, working on implementing quantum physics using spintronics. After undergrad studies in Physics and Spanish at UC Berkeley, I obtained my PhD in 2003 on solid-state tunneling spintronics (director: 2007 Physics Nobel winner Albert Fert). I entered the CNRS in 2006 and was promoted to Research Director (DR) in 2017. I lead the ‘Molecular Quantum Spintronics’ team at the IPCMS, an interdisciplinary institute in Strasbourg. My research aims to implement quantum physics within information/communication and energy technologies, using spintronics as both an original approach and an established industrialization vector. Using advanced operando techniques, I study the electronic properties of the quantum nano-object within the nanotransport path across the oxide and molecular spacer layer of micro- and nano-scale vertical spintronic devices. I am an active member of several local, national and international sustainability & resilience initiatives across the scientific and civil society spectra.
- Since 2018: Leader of the Molecular Quantum Spintronics team at IPCMS.
- Since 2017: Research Director (DR), CNRS
- 2016: Prix Espoirs, U. de Strasbourg.
- 2015: Research Habilitation, Université de Strasbourg, France. “Advances in Solid‐State Tunnelling: Toward Multifunctional Devices“
- 2006-2017: Junior Scientist (CR), CNRS
- 2006: Post-doc CNRS, UMR 7504 IPCMS, Beaurepaire group, Strasbourg, France
- 2003-2005: Post-doc, Paul Drude Institute, Ploog group, Berlin, Germany
- 1999-2003: PhD, Solid State Physics, Université de Paris-Sud Orsay, France at UMR 137 CNRS/Thales, Thesis Director : Albert Fert (2007 Physics Nobel Prize). Topic: “Experimental insights into spin-polarized solid state tunneling“
- 1998-1999: DEA de Physique des Solides, Université de Paris-Sud Orsay, France
- 1993-1997: B.A. University of California at Berkeley, Major in Physics with a specialty in Condensed Matter Physics and a Minor in Spanish Literature
Community Actor
- Member of the Scientific Council, Agence du Climat de l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg
- Member of several Sustainable Research initiatives: IPCMS, U. of Strasbourg, Scientists4Future / Labos1point5, FERED.
- Actor in the sustainability of civil society: ADFC Kehl, Conseil de Développement de l’Eurométropole de Strasbourg 2021-2026.
Current Research
- Quantum heat/information engines using spintronics, toward harvesting thermal energy. See www.spinengine.tech. (ANR SpinElec, ITI QMAT SpinDrive). Collaborators: D. Lacour@IJL, B. Vileno@I. Chimie, R. Whitney@LPMMC, J. van Slageren@IPC Stuttgart).
- Terahertz studies of next-gen electronic devices. (Region Grand Est NanoteraH). IPCMS Collaborators: @matthieu-bailleulipcms-unistra-fr, @mircea-vomiripcms-unistra-fr. Region Collaborators: S. Mangin@IJL, L. Simon@IS2M.
- Spintronic encoding of quantum information using spin chains.
- Multifunctional spintronics using functional molecules.
Publication Highlights
ResearchGate ; Research ID ; ORCID ; Google Schlolar
- Quantum measurement spintronic engine powered by quantum coherence enhanced by bosonic catalysis, M. Lamblin & M. Bowen, Phys. Rev. B 109, 165423 (2024).
- Atom-level electronic physicists are needed to develop practical engines with a quantum advantage, M. Bowen, npj Quantum Information 9 25 (2023).
- Quantum advantage in a molecular spintronic engine that harvests thermal fluctuation energy, B. Chowrira, L. Kandpal,…, M. Bowen, Adv. Mater. 2206688 (2022).
- Encoding information on the excited state of a molecular spin chain, K. Katcko … M. Bowen, Adv. Func. Mater. 2009467 (2021). Savoir Magazine (Quantum physics special)
- Spin-driven electrical power generation at room temperature, K. Katcko … M. Bowen, Commun. Phys., 2 116 (2019). CNRS News. Unistra News.
- Probing a device’s active atoms, M. Studniarek … M. Bowen, Adv. Mater., 1606578 (2017). CNRS News
- Exchange bias and room temperature magnetic order in molecular layers, M. Gruber … M. Bowen, Nature Materials 14, 981, (2015). FRC News
- Localized states in advanced dielectrics from the vantage of spin- and symmetry-polarized tunneling across MgO, F. Schleicher … M. Bowen, Nature Comm. 5, 4547 (2014).