Nathalie VIART

Nathalie VIART

Professeure, Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques (DCMI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 72 10Bureau: 2009

Parcours de recherche

  • 2007 Professeur des Universités – Ecole Européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux de Strasbourg (ECPM), Université de Strasbourg (Unistra), Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS)
  • 1997 Maître de conférences – Université Louis Pasteur – Strasbourg, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS)
  • 1996-1997 Post-doctorat : Université d’Oxford (Clarendon Laboratory), Angleterre, Equipe du Dr. J. F. Gregg. « Introduction d’oxydes dans les dispositifs magnétorésistifs ». Participation au programme européen Oxide Spin Electronics Network (OXSEN, contrat Training and Mobility of Researchers).

Parcours universitaire

  • 2005 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches “Matériaux composites à propriétés magnétiques et/ou électriques : de la poudre aux couches minces”, Garante : Dr. G. Pourroy
  • 1996 Doctorat, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg I, “Elaboration par le procédé sol-gel de nanocomposites magnétiques silice / oxyde de fer”, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, Directeurs : Pr. J. Guille, Dr. J.-L. Rehspringer

Recherches actuelles

Oxydes fonctionnels en couches minces
GFO Le magnétoélectrique Ga2-xFexO3
Spinelle Les spinelles CoFe2O4 and FeV2O4
Nickelates Nickelates de terres rares
MISSION Le projet ANR “Magnetoelectric Oxides for Spintronics” (MISSION)


A. Thomasson, F. Ibrahim, C. Lefèvre, E. Autissier, F. Roulland, C. Mény, C. Leuvrey, S. Choi, W. Jo, O. Crégut, G. Versini, S. Barre, M. Alouani, N. Viart, Effects of iron concentration and cationic site disorder on the optical properties of magnetoelectric gallium ferrite thin films, RSC Advances 3 (2013) 3124–3130.
A. Thomasson, S. Cherifi, C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, B. Gautier, D. Albertini, C. Mény, N. Viart, Room temperature multiferroicity in Ga0.6Fe1.4O3:Mg thin films, Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013) 214101.
A. Thomasson, J. Kreisel, C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, G. Versini, S. Barre, N. Viart, Raman scattering of magnetoelectric gallium ferrite thin films, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 25 (2013) 045401.
S.K. Sinha, A. Khammari, M. Picher, F. Roulland, N. Viart, T. LaGrange, F. Banhart, Nanosecond electron pulses in the analytical electron microscopy of a fast irreversible chemical reaction, Nature Communications 10 (2019) 3648.
H. Sahib, L. Schlur, B. Mundet, K. Cordero, N. Viart, D. Pesquera, D. Preziosi, Freestanding perovskite and infinite-layer nickelate membranes, Physical Review Materials 9 (2025) 014801.
F. Roulland, G. Roseau, A.P. Corredor, L. Wendling, G. Krieger, C. Lefèvre, M. Trassin, G. Pourroy, N. Viart, Promoting the magnetic exchanges in PLD deposited strained films of FeV2O4 thin films, Materials Chemistry and Physics 276 (2022) 125360.
F. Roulland, C. Lefèvre, A. Thomasson, N. Viart, Study of Ga(2-x)FexO3 solid solution: Optimisation of the ceramic processing, in: Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2013: pp. 1029–1035.
A. Raji, G. Krieger, N. Viart, D. Preziosi, J.-P. Rueff, A. Gloter, Charge Distribution across Capped and Uncapped Infinite-Layer Neodymium Nickelate Thin Films., Small (2023) e2304872.
D. Preziosi, S. Homkar, C. Lefèvre, M. Salluzzo, N. Viart, Unusual anisotropic magnetic orbital moment obtained from x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in a multiferroic oxide system, Physical Review B 103 (2021) 184420.
A. Pena Corredor, M. Gamarde, L. El Khabchi, M.J.V. Bernardez, M. Lenertz, C. Leuvrey, L. Schlur, F. Roulland, N. Viart, C. Lefèvre, Room-temperature magnetism and controlled cation distribution in vanadium ferrite thin films, Materials Chemistry and Physics 314 (2024) 128856.
A. Pena Corredor, N. Viart, C. Lefèvre, inserexs: reflection choice software for resonant elastic X-ray scattering., Journal of Applied Crystallography 56 (2023) 854–859.
S.H. Oh, R.H. Shin, C. Lefèvre, A. Thomasson, F. Roulland, Y. Shin, D.-H. Kim, J.-Y. Kim, A. Demchenko, C. Leuvrey, C. Mény, W. Jo, N. Viart, Incorporation of cobalt ions into magnetoelectric gallium ferrite epitaxial films: tuning of conductivity and magnetization, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 34265–34271.
B. Meunier, S. Homkar, F. Choueikani, M.G. Silly, C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, C. Leuvrey, J. Robert, D. Preziosi, N. Viart, Nonmonotonous temperature fluctuations of the orbital moment and spin-orbit coupling in multiferroic gallium ferrite thin films, Physical Review B 106 (2022) 184410.
E. Martin, S. Grenier, S. Barre, G. Versini, N. Blanc, N. Boudet, F. Roulland, G. Pourroy, N. Viart, C. Lefevre, Deleterious effect of rare earth elements substitution on the auxetic behavior of CoFe2O4 thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 935 (2023) 168082.
E. Martin, F. Roulland, S. Grenier, F. Appert, J. Juraszek, M. Trassin, C. Bouillet, E. Chikoidze, C. Arnold, B. Berini, Y. Dumont, S. Colis, S. Barre, G. Versini, D. Preziosi, C. Leuvrey, N. Blanc, N. Boudet, G. Pourroy, N. Viart, C. Lefèvre, Non-auxeticiauxetic transitions inducing modifications of the magnetic anisotropy in CoFe2O4 thin films, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 836 (2020) 155425.
C. Lefèvre, A. Demchenko, C. Bouillet, M. Luysberg, X. Devaux, F. Roulland, G. Versini, S. Barre, Y. Wakabayashi, N. Boudet, C. Leuvrey, M. Acosta, C. Mény, E. Martin, S. Grenier, V. Favre-Nicolin, N. Viart, Nondestructive Method for the Determination of the Electric Polarization Orientation in Thin Films: Illustration on Gallium Ferrite Thin Films, Small Methods 1 (2017) 1700234.
C. Lefèvre, A. Thomasson, F. Roulland, V. Favre-Nicolin, Y. Joly, Y. Wakabayashi, G. Versini, S. Barre, C. Leuvrey, A. Demchenko, N. Boudet, N. Viart, Determination of the cationic distribution in oxidic thin films by resonant X-ray diffraction: the magnetoelectric compound Ga$\sb 2$-$ıt x$Fe$\sb ıt x$O$\sb 3$, Journal of Applied Crystallography 49 (2016) 1308–1314.
C. Lefèvre, R.H. Shin, J.H. Lee, S.H. Oh, F. Roulland, A. Thomasson, E. Autissier, C. Mény, W. Jo, N. Viart, Reduced leakage currents and possible charge carriers tuning in Mg-doped Ga0.6Fe1.4O3 thin films, Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012) 262904 /p.1–4.
C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, A. Thomasson, E. Autissier, C. Leuvrey, S. Barre, G. Versini, N. Viart, G. Pourroy, Stabilization of scandium rich spinel ferrite CoFe(2-x)Sc(x)O4 (x <= 1) in thin films, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 232 (2015) 118–122.
C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, A. Thomasson, C. Mény, F. Porcher, G. Andre, N. Viart, Magnetic and Polar Properties’ Optimization in the Magnetoelectric Ga2-xFexO3 Compounds, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 14832–14839.
B. Kundys, F. Roulland, C. Lefèvre, C. Mény, A. Thomasson, N. Viart, Room temperature polarization in the ferrimagnetic Ga2-xFexO3 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 2277–2281.
G. Krieger, H. Sahib, F. Rosa, M. Rath, Y. Chen, A. Raji, P.V.B. Pinho, C. Lefèvre, G. Ghiringhelli, A. Gloter, N. Viart, M. Salluzzo, D. Preziosi, Signatures of canted antiferromagnetism in infinite-layer nickelates studied by x-ray magnetic dichroism, Physical Review B 110 (2024) 195110.
G. Krieger, A. Raji, L. Schlur, G. Versini, C. Bouillet, M. Lenertz, J. Robert, A. Gloter, N. Viart, D. Preziosi, Synthesis of infinite-layer nickelates and influence of the capping-layer on magnetotransport, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 56 (2023) 024003.
G. Krieger, L. Martinelli, S. Zeng, L.E. Chow, K. Kummer, R. Arpaia, M. Moretti Sala, N.B. Brookes, A. Ariando, N. Viart, M. Salluzzo, G. Ghiringhelli, D. Preziosi, Charge and Spin Order Dichotomy in $\mathrmNdNiO_2$ Driven by the Capping Layer, Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 027002.
N. Kharouf, D. Mancino, J. Zghal, S. Helle, H. Jmal, M. Lenertz, N. Viart, N. Bahlouli, F. Meyer, Y. Haikel, V. Ball, Dual role of tannic acid and pyrogallol incorporated in plaster of Paris: Morphology modification and release for antimicrobial properties, Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications 127 (2021) 112209.
S. Homkar, E. Martin, B. Meunier, A. Anadon-Barcelona, C. Bouillet, J. Gorchon, K. Dumesnil, C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, O. Copie, D. Preziosi, S. Petit-Watelot, J.-C. Rojas-Sanchez, N. Viart, Spin Current Transport in Hybrid Pt/Multifunctional Magnetoelectric Ga0.6Fe1.4O3 Bilayers, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 3 (2021) 4433–4440.
S. Homkar, D. Preziosi, X. Devaux, C. Bouillet, J. Nordlander, M. Trassin, F. Roulland, C. Lefèvre, G. Versini, S. Barre, C. Leuvrey, M. Lenertz, M. Fiebig, G. Pourroy, N. Viart, Ultrathin regime growth of atomically flat multiferroic gallium ferrite films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Physical Review Materials 3 (2019) 124416.
A. Demchenko, S. Homkar, C. Bouillet, C.T. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, D. Preziosi, G. Versini, C. Leuvrey, P. Boullay, X. Devaux, N. Viart, Unveiling unconventional ferroelectric switching in multiferroic Ga-0.6 Fe1.4O3 thin films through multiscale electron microscopy investigations, Acta Materialia 240 (2022) 118337.
A. Demchenko, Y. Chang, E. Chikoidze, B. Berini, C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, G. Versini, S. Barre, C. Leuvrey, V. Favre-Nicolin, N. Boudet, S. Zafeiratos, Y. Dumont, N. Viart, Tuning the conductivity type in a room temperature magnetic oxide: Ni-doped Ga0.6Fe1.4O3 thin films, RSC Advances 6 (2016) 28248–28256.
G. De Luca, M.D. Rossell, J. Schaab, N. Viart, M. Fiebig, M. Trassin, Domain Wall Architecture in Tetragonal Ferroelectric Thin Films, Advanced Materials 29 (2017) 1605145.
A.P. Corredor, A. Anadon, L. Schlur, J. Robert, H. Damas, J.-C. Rojas-Sanchez, S. Petit-Watelot, N. Viart, D. Preziosi, C. Lefevre, Spin transport properties of spinel vanadate-based heterostructures, Applied Physics Letters 123 (2023) 072407.
A.P. Corredor, L. Wendling, D. Preziosi, L. Schlur, C. Leuvrey, D. Thiaudiere, E. Elklaim, N. Blanc, S. Grenier, F. Roulland, N. Viart, C. Lefèvre, Oxygen crystallographic positions in thin films by non-destructive resonant elastic X-ray scattering, Journal of Applied Crystallography 55 (2022) 526–532.
S. Choi, C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, C. Mény, N. Viart, B. To, D.E. Shafer, R. Shin, J. Lee, W. Jo, Optical transitions in magnetoelectric Ga0.6Fe1.4O3 from 0.73 to 6.45 eV, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 30 (2012) 041204 /p.1–5.
A. Anadon, E. Martin, S. Homkar, B. Meunier, M. Verges, H. Damas, J. Alegre, C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, C. Dubs, M. Lindner, L. Pasquier, O. Copie, K. Dumesnil, R. Ramos, D. Preziosi, S. Petit-Watelot, N. Viart, J.-C. Rojas-Sanchez, Thermal Spin-Current Generation in the Multifunctional Ferrimagnet Ga0.6Fe1.4O3, Physical Review Applied 18 (2022) 054087.