Publications 2020

T. Achard, L. Egger, C. Tortoreto, L. Guénée, J. Lacour, Preparation and Structural Characterization of [CpRu(1,10-phenanthroline)(CH3CN)][X] and Precursor Complexes (X=PF6, BArF, TRISPHAT-N), Helvetica Chimica Acta 103 (2020) e2000190.
L. Aggar, D. Bradai, Y.I. Bourezg, M. Abdesselam, A.C. Chami, C. Mocuta, D. Thiaudiere, C. Speisser, D. Muller, C. Bouillet, F. Le Normand, GaN nanocrystals obtained by Ga and N implantations and thermal treatment under N-2 into SiO2/Si and SiNx/Si wafers, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 485 (2020) 57–67.
A.-A. Andelescu, B. Heinrich, M.A. Spirache, E. Voirin, M. La Deda, G. Di Maio, E.I. Szerb, B. Donnio, O. Costisor, Playing with Pt-II and Zn-II Coordination to Obtain Luminescent Metallomesogens, Chemistry-a European Journal 26 (2020) 4850–4860.
I. Anefnaf, S. Aazou, G. Schmerber, S. Refki, N. Zimmermann, T. Heiser, G. Ferblantier, A. Slaoui, A. Dinia, M. Abd-Lefdil, Z. Sekkat, Polyethylenimine-Ethoxylated Interfacial Layer for Efficient Electron Collection in SnO2-Based Inverted Organic Solar Cells, Crystals 10 (2020).
I. Anefnaf, S. Aazou, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, Z. Sekkat, Study the effect of fullerene derivatives ratio on P3HT-based inverted organic solar cells, in: Z.H. Kafafi, P.A. Lane, K. Lee, H.W. Ade, Y.-L. (Lynn) Loo (Eds.), Organic, Hybrid, and Perovskite Photovoltaics XXI, SPIE, 2020: pp. 57–66.
G. Avedissian, J. Arabski, J.A. Wytko, J. Weiss, C. Mény, Probing the Growth of Organic Molecular Films Embedded between Cobalt and Iron Electrodes: Ferromagnetic Nuclear Resonance Approach, Advanced Functional Materials 2005605 (2020) 1–6.
G. Avedissian, J. Arabski, J.A. Wytko, J. Weiss, C. Mény, Revealing the morphology and the magnetic properties of single buried cobalt-ZnTPP hybrid interfaces by ferromagnetic nuclear resonance spectroscopy, Physical Review B 102 (2020) 184114.
W. Baaziz, S. Valette, A.-S. Gay, C. Hirlimann, O. Ersen, A New Methodology for Quantifying the Surface Crystallography of Particles from their Tomographic Reconstruction: Application to Pd Nanoparticles Embedded in a Mesoporous Silica Shell, ChemCatChem 12 (2020) 1–10.
N. Bachellier, B. Verlhac, L. Garnier, J. Zaldivar, C. Rubio-Verdu, P. Abufager, M. Ormaza, D.-J. Choi, M.-L. Bocquet, J. Pascual I., N. Lorente, L. Limot, Vibron-assisted spin excitation in a magnetically anisotropic molecule, Nature Communications 11 (2020) 1619.
A. Balfourier, N. Luciani, G. Wang, G. Lelong, O. Ersen, A. Khelfa, D. Alloyeau, F. Gazeau, F. Carn, Unexpected intracellular biodegradation and recrystallization of gold nanoparticles, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (2020) 103–113.
F. Banhart, Elemental carbon in the sp(1) hybridization, ChemTexts 6 (2020).
A. Barsella, M.A. Hurier, M.D. Pichois, M. Vomir, H. Hasan, L. Mager, B. Donnio, J.-L. Gallani, M.V. Rastei, Photonic Excitation of a Micromechanical Cantilever in Electrostatic Fields, Physical Review Letters 125 (2020) 254301.
A.T.F. Batista, W. Baaziz, A.-L. Taleb, J. Chaniot, M. Moreaud, C. Legens, A. Aguilar-Tapia, O. Proux, J.-L. Hazemann, F. Diehl, C. Chizallet, A.-S. Gay, O. Ersen, P. Raybaud, Atomic Scale Insight into the Formation, Size, and Location of Platinum Nanoparticles Supported on gamma-Alumina, ACS Catalysis 10 (2020) 4193–4204.
F. Beaubras, J.-M. Rueff, O. Perez, F. Veillon, V. Caignaert, J.-F. Lohier, J. Cardin, G. Rogez, C. Jestin, H. Couthon, P.-A. Jaffres, M(H2O)(PO3C10H6OH)center dot(H2O)(0.5) (M = Co, Mn, Zn, Cu): a new series of layered metallophosphonate compounds obtained from 6-hydroxy-2-naphthylphosphonic acid, Dalton Transactions 49 (2020) 3877–3891.
S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, N-Heterocyclic Carbene Platinum Complexes: A Big Step Forward for Effective Antitumor Compounds, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2020 (2020) 10–20.
M. Benaissa, R. El Bouayadi, D. Ihiawakrim, O. Ersen, Ideality factor and barrier height for a GaN nanomembrane electrically contacted with a tungsten nano-tip in a TEM, Journal of Applied Physics 127 (2020) 075109.
S. Berciaud, M. Potemski, C. Faugeras, Many-Body Effects in Suspended Graphene Probed through Magneto-Phonon Resonances, Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters (2020) 2000345.
N. Bergeard, M. Hehn, K. Carva, P. Balaz, S. Mangin, G. Malinowski, Tailoring femtosecond hot-electron pulses for ultrafast spin manipulation, Applied Physics Letters 117 (2020) 222408.
Y. Berro, S. Gueddida, Y. Bouizi, C. Bellouard, E.-E. Bendeif, A. Gansmuller, A. Celzard, V. Fierro, D. Ihiawakrim, O. Ersen, M. Kassir, F.E.H. Hassan, S. Lebegue, M. Badawi, N. Canilho, A. Pasc, Imprinting isolated single iron atoms onto mesoporous silica by templating with metallosurfactants, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 573 (2020) 193–203.
M.M. Besli, C. Usubelli, M. Metzger, V. Pande, K. Harry, D. Nordlund, S. Sainio, J. Christensen, M.M. Doeff, S. Kuppan, Effect of Liquid Electrolyte Soaking on the Interfacial Resistance of Li7La3Zr2O12 for All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 20605–20612.
M. Biesuz, E. Zera, M. Tomasi, P. Jana, O. Ersen, W. Baaziz, A. Lindemann, G.D. Soraru, Polymer-derived Si3N4 nanofelts for flexible, high temperature, lightweight and easy-manufacturable super-thermal insulators, Applied Materials Today 20 (2020) 100648.
C. Bigi, S.K. Chaluvadi, A. Galdi, L. Maritato, C. Aruta, R. Ciancio, J. Fujii, B. Gobaut, P. Torelli, I. Vobornik, G. Panaccione, G. Rossi, P. Orgiani, Predominance of z(2)-orbitals at the surface of both hole- and electron-doped manganites, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 245 (2020) 147016.
A. Bonfiglio, M. Mauro, PhosphorescentTris-Bidentate Ir(III)Complexes with N-Heterocyclic Carbene Scaffolds: Structural Diversity and Optical Properties, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2020) 3427–3442.
A. Bonfiglio, L. Pallova, V. Cesar, C. Gourlaouen, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, C. Daniel, F. Polo, M. Mauro, Phosphorescent Cationic Heterodinuclear Ir-III/M(I)Complexes (M=Cu-I, Au-I) with a Hybrid Janus-Type N-Heterocyclic Carbene Bridge, Chemistry-a European Journal 26 (2020) 1–17.
A. Bonfiglio, K. Magra, C. Cebrian, F. Polo, P.C. Gros, P. Mercandelli, M. Mauro, Red-emitting neutral rhenium(I) complexes bearing a pyridyl pyridoannelated N-heterocyclic carbene, Dalton Transactions 49 (2020) 3102–3111.
T. Botzung, D. Hagenmueller, S. Schutz, J. Dubail, G. Pupillo, J. Schachenmayer, Dark state semilocalization of quantum emitters in a cavity, Physical Review B 102 (2020) 144202.
M. Bouche, B. Vincent, T. Achard, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, N-Heterocyclic Carbene Platinum(IV) as Metallodrug Candidates: Synthesis and(195)Pt NMR Chemical Shift Trend, Molecules 25 (2020) 3148.
A. Boussadia, A. Beghidja, L. Gali, C. Beghidja, M. Elhabiri, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Coordination properties of two new Schiff-base phenoxy-carboxylates and comparative study of their antioxidant activities, Inorganica Chimica Acta 508 (2020).
B. Brachnakova, S. Matejova, J. Moncol, R. Herchel, J. Pavlik, E. Moreno-Pineda, M. Ruben, I. Salitros, Stereochemistry of coordination polyhedra vs. single ion magnetism in penta- and hexacoordinated Co(II) complexes with tridentate rigid ligands, Dalton Transactions 49 (2020) 1249–1264.
T. Brandl, S. Johannsen, D. Haussinger, N. Suryadevara, A. Prescimone, S. Bernhard, M. Gruber, M. Ruben, R. Berndt, M. Mayor, Iron in a Cage: Fixation of a Fe(II)tpy(2)Complex by Fourfold Interlinking, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 59 (2020) 1–7.
K.M. Bui, M. Boero, K. Shiraishi, A. Oshiyama, A two-dimensional liquid-like phase on Ga-rich GaN (0001) surfaces evidenced by first principles molecular dynamics, in: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2020: p. SGGK04.
C. Burel, A. Teolis, A. Alsayed, C.B. Murray, B. Donnio, R. Dreyfus, Plasmonic Elastic Capsules as Colorimetric Reversible pH-Microsensors, Small 16 (2020) 1903897.
F. Califano, G. Manfredi, F. Valentini, Special Issue: The many facets of the Vlasov equation, Journal of Plasma Physics 86 (2020).
M.-A. Carvalho, H. Dekkiche, S. Richeter, C. Bailly, L. Karmazin, D. McKearney, D.B. Leznoff, G. Rogez, B. Vileno, S. Choua, R. Ruppert, Antiferromagnetic coupling in copper(II)porphyrin dimers linked by copper(II) or palladium(II) ion, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 24 (2020) 238–246.
E. Charignon, M. Bouche, C. Clave-Darcissac, G. Dahm, G. Ichim, A. Clotagatide, H.C. Mertani, P. Telouk, J. Caramel, J.-J. Diaz, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, P. Bouvet, C. Billotey, In Cellulo Evaluation of the Therapeutic Potential of NHC Platinum Compounds in Metastatic Cutaneous Melanoma, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (2020) 7626.
X. Chen, M. Boero, O. Lopez-Acevedo, Atomic structure and origin of chirality of DNA-stabilized silver clusters, Physical Review Materials 4 (2020) 065601.
W. Chen, J. Egly, A. Pobtador-Bahamonde I., A. Maisse-Francois, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, T. Achard, Synthesis, characterization, catalytic and biological application of half-sandwich ruthenium complexes bearing hemilabile (kappa 2-C,S)-thioether-functionalised NHC ligands, Dalton Transactions 49 (2020) 3243–3252.
A. Cidrim, T.S. do Espirito Santo, J. Schachenmayer, R. Kaiser, R. Bachelard, Photon Blockade with Ground-State Neutral Atoms, Physical Review Letters 125 (2020) 073601.
P.S. Costa, G. Hao, A.T. N’Diaye, L. Routaboul, P. Braunstein, X. Zhang, J. Zhang, T.K. Ekanayaka, Q.-Y. Shi, V. Schlegel, B. Doudin, A. Enders, P.A. Dowben, Manipulation of the molecular spin crossover transition of Fe(H2B(pz)2)2(bipy) by addition of polar molecules, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (2020) 034001.
G. Cotin, F. Perton, C. Petit, S. Sall, C. Kiefer, V. Begin, B. Pichon, C. Lefèvre, D. Mertz, J.-M. Greneche, S. Bégin-Colin, Harnessing Composition of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle: Impact of Solvent-Mediated Ligand-Ligand Interaction and Competition between Oxidation and Growth Kinetics, Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020) 9245–9259.
N. Couzon, L. Bois, C. Fellah, C. Loestean, F. Chassagneux, R. Chiriac, F. Toche, L. Khrouz, A. Brioude, O. Ersen, L. Roiban, Manganese oxidation states repartition in a channel-like mesoporous zirconium oxide, Journal of Porous Materials 27 (2020) 1823–1835.
A.D. Craciun, B. Donnio, J.-L. Gallani, M.V. Rastei, High-resolution manipulation of gold nanorods with an atomic force microscope, Nanotechnology 31 (2020) 085302.
J. Cypriano, M. Bahri, K. Dembele, W. Baaziz, P. Leao, D.A. Bazylinski, F. Abreu, O. Ersen, M. Farina, J. Werckmann, Insight on thermal stability of magnetite magnetosomes: implications for the fossil record and biotechnology, Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 6706.
J. Dai, K.-Q. Zhao, B.-Q. Wang, P. Hu, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, Liquid crystal ionic self-assembly and anion-selective photoluminescence in discotic azatriphenylenes, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 8 (2020) 4215–4225.
O. Daoura, G. El Chawich, M. Boutros, N. El Hassan, P. Massiani, O. Ersen, W. Baaziz, F. Launay, Aqueous nickel(II) hydroxycarbonate instead of nickel(0) colloids as precursors of stable Ni-silica based catalysts for the dry reforming of methane, Catalysis Communications 138 (2020) 105953.
M. Darari, A. Frances-Monerris, B. Marekha, A. Doudouh, E. Wenger, A. Monari, S. Haacke, P.C. Gros, Towards Iron(II) Complexes with Octahedral Geometry: Synthesis, Structure and Photophysical Properties, Molecules 25 (2020) 5991.
M. Darcheville, A.-L. Adenot-Engelvin, C. Boscher, N. Vukadinovic, C. Lefèvre, A. Thiaville, C. Sanchez, Evidence of the Superparamagnetic State in the Zero-Field Microwave Susceptibility Spectra of Ferrimagnetic Nanoparticles, IEEE Magnetics Letters 11 (2020) 6105305.
S.R. David, S. Fritsch, A. Forster, D. Ihiawakrim, V.A. Geoffroy, Flocking asbestos waste, an iron and magnesium source for Pseudomonas, Science of the Total Environment 709 (2020) 135936.
S.R. David, D. Ihiawakrim, R. Regis, V.A. Geoffroy, Efficiency of pyoverdines in iron removal from flocking asbestos waste: An innovative bacterial bioremediation strategy, Journal of Hazardous Materials 394 (2020) 122532.