I am professor at the University of Strasbourg (Unistra), doing research within the Nano-Optics and Low-Dimensional Systems team and teaching at the Physics and Engineering department (PHI), in particular in the Masters of Physics tracks. My research expertise is in the optical spectroscopy of low-dimensional systems. After a PhD on ultrasensitive optical detection and spectroscopy of individual nano-objects (metal nanoparticles, semiconductor quantum dots, carbon nanotubes) at Uni. Bordeaux (France), I contributed – as a postdoctoral scientist at Columbia University (USA) then as an assistant professor at Unistra- to original works on exciton dynamics in carbon nanotubes, on inelastic light-scattering in carbon nanotubes and graphene, as well as on energy transfer between single quantum emitters and graphene. My research activity at IPCMS focuses on two-dimensional materials (e.g. graphene, boron nitride, transition metal dichalcogenides, layered magnetic materials,…) and related “van der Waals heterostructures”. We strive to propose an original approach, where optical spectroscopy is employed to probe the micro- or nanoscale environment, as well as the effect of external fields (electric, magnetic) or perturbations (strain, doping, heating) on the quantum degrees of freedom (excitons, phonons, spins and pseudo-spins) of these systems. Taking advantage of that fact that 2D materials can also be regarded as ultimately-thin, lightweight mechanical membranes, we also investigate the opto-mechanical response of freely-suspended 2D systems and work towards mechanical control of their optical, electronic and magnetic properties.
- Since 2016: Full Professor at Unistra
- 2016 – 2021: Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)
- 2013: “Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches” at Université de Strasbourg.
- 2010-2016: Assistant Professor at Université de Strasbourg.
- 2007 – 2010: Postdoc at Columbia University (New York), in the teams of Profs. Tony Heinz and Louis Brus.
Project : Optical and Electronic Properties of 2D (graphene) and 1D (single walled nanotubes) carbon materials. - 2006 – 2007: Postdoc at CPMOH (CNRS and University Bordeaux 1) in the Nanophotonics group.
Project : Exciton Dynamics in Individual Carbon Nanotubes. - 2003 – 2006: PhD at CPMOH (CNRS and Université Bordeaux 1) in the Nanophotonics group.
Sujet : “Photothermal Detection and Absorption Spectroscopy of Individual Nano-objects: Metallic Nanoparticles, Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Carbon Nanotubes.” (link to manuscript)
Advisor : Prof. Brahim Lounis. - 2003 : MSc in Quantum Physics (ENS Paris & Université Paris VI).
- 2002 : “Agrégation” in Physics.
- 1999-2003 : Student at ENS Cachan (physics department).
Ongoing Projects
- Atomically-thin Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (ATOEMS, recent paper)
- Near-field coupling and proximity effects in van der Waals heterostructures (recent paper)
- STM-induced light emission from 2D semiconductors (coll. G. Schull (IPCMS), E. Le Moal (ISMO))
- Chiral coupling in 2D semiconductors (coll. C. Genet (ISIS), S. Azzini (U. Trento))